Comfort U Total Body Support Pillow Review


The Comfort U Total Body Support Pillow is one of the best full sizes & wraps around body pillow out there. The excellent design of the pillow allows you enough space to provide support to every part of your body. The pad, made in the USA, comes from the best materials available to give you the superior full body support you need. And, the extended polymer fiber fills and hypoallergenic materials; the pad contains grants airflow easy passage and keeps the shape intact. The Comfort U body pillow is very easy to wash using a washer and a dryer. And, this huge U shaped body pillow does not clump even after repeated washing. Feature not end here, a lot of other things are still pending to check, So keep reading our Comfort U total body support pillow review.

  • Easy Of Use 90% 90%
  • Comfort 95% 95%
  • Maintenance 93% 93%
  • Price and Longevity 80% 80%


  • Enough space for your full-body support
  • Quality product made from the best materials
  • Contains hypoallergenic materials for your body safety
  • Dust mites free pillow
  • Complete body cushioning
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Durable shape and texture
  • Multiple usage options
  • It comes with a washable pillow cover.


  • Takes up a lot of bed space
  • It is an expensive product.

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Product Specifications:

Product NameComfort U Total Body SupportPillow
BrandMoonlight Slumber
Items Weight10.36 pounds.
Dimension60 x 7 x 35 inches.
Cover Style Zippered Washable and Dryable Cover
Cover Material100% cotton
Inner Fabric100% Extended Polymer Fusion Fabric Fill
Outer Fabric100% Antique Microfiber
AvailabilityIn Stock
Rating⭐⭐⭐⭐ ☆  4.5 /5

Comfort U Total Body Support Pillow Review & Its Features

I had an issue during my last pregnancy. The pregnancy pillow I used then provided me close to no comfort due to the limited space it had. I got another pillow, thanks to my father-in-law. This time, the pillow lasted only a few weeks. It flattened out, and I was back to where I was again.

The pillow and the brand, Moonlight Slumber, have an excellent reputation for delivering quality through their products.

This reason explains the number of reviews the Comfort U pillow has gotten over time.

The rating of this pillow also attests to this fact. 4.5 out of 5 stars is not a simple feat. I would give them the full five stars. Why? Find out in this Comfort U total body support pillow review.

1.) Full Body Support Pillow:-

The size of this pillow makes it more effective. The Moonlight slumber comfort u total body support pillow full size is 64″ Long, (each side) and pillow is 10 1/2″ Thick.

Which means provides sufficient room for your full body.

This space allows the pillow to give your entire body the support it needs during your months of pregnancy.

Whether your bump increases drastically or slowly as mine did, ful support for your body is guaranteed.

The pillow gives support to your hips, your back, your neck, your belly, and other parts of our body.

You are free from those aches and body pains.

The product elevates your legs from your knees to support your lower body and increase the blood flow for smooth, good night sleep.

2.) Comfort For Deep Sleep & Flexibility:-

The pillow is a product of materials that make it very flexible. The antique microfiber content, as well as the extended polymer, are beneficial.

There is no need for you to have it repositioned when you want to sleep due to its flexibility.

The pillow will simply fold into your preferred position without any stress. For whatever position you want to take, trust this pillow to give you an equal amount of comfort.

There is no need to get more pillows. Its a wrap around body pillow.

Along with a Giant U shaped body pillow, This Comfort U body pillow cover up for them all to give you enough comfort for a sound sleep.

If you are also one who gets restless while sleeping, try this pillow out. It eased my sleeping stress and restlessness with its fantastic flexibility.

Also, the pillow is an excellent companion for different daily activities.

Whether you want to read a book, watch TV or just relax, this pillow comes in handy. It can fold into different positions all day to give support for your various activities as a pregnant person.

Even those that are not pregnant can make use of this pillow.

My husband made use of it whenever he had to use his laptop for work. My kids also use the pad to catch their favourite T.V shows.

3.) Quality Products From USA:-

This product is an expression of the ingenuity of American well-known baby care manufacturing. The product is a testimony of their fantastic prospects when it comes to manufacturing healthcare products.

The production features materials, selected with the safety of you and your baby in mind.

The Material use to make a big wrap around body pillow is an extended polymer, that makes it the product of refined top-notch fabric.

The extended polymer material allows for free airflow through the content. The material also keeps the shape of the product when in use and when not in use.

This resilience makes the pillow highly durable and lasts you with equal quality for a long time.

The extended polymer is responsible for the durability of the pillow’s shape, preventing it from clumping. Even when you wash it often, it still keeps its way. All thanks to the extended polymer material.

4.) Washable Pillow With Zippered Cover:-

This moonlight slumber Comfort U body pillow comes with a cover protector in a zippered style. This style allows you to take it off when you which to and have you back on when necessary.

This feature is made more unusual, with the cover is washable and dryable. So, whenever the pillow cover begins took dirty, you can wash it quickly using a washer.

The pillow itself is also machine washable, that’s mean no more duty sweaty smell.

You can easily toss the pad into a washer and get it cleaned. You can also dry it using a dryer. This ease means that you can easily maintain the pillow’s neatness.

Another thing is that the pillow would never clump at all. No matter how much you wash it. The shape stays intact and never clumps.

5.) Exceptional Synthetic Product

Most false pregnancy products do not have suitable materials to make them stand out. The case is different with the moonlight slumber Comfort U total body support pillow.

The pillow is a product from the mixture of the best synthetic materials out there that contains hypoallergenic materials and fusion fiber.

The hypoallergenic material gives the pillow an extra edge.

The pad offers the best of comfort without unnecessary strains familiar with synthetic products. The pillow has no odours at all.

The quality of the hypoallergenic material also makes the pillow a therapeutic cushioning. It gives full relief from problems with dust mites. The pad also helps athletes to ease pains all over their bodies and joints.

I hope you like our article and find a lot of useful information in our Comfort U total body support pillow review, that helps you to make a valuable decision.

The Bottom Line

A pregnancy pillow is the best way to get the support you need to cope through.

A product like moonlight slumber Comfort U body pillow is a perfect option for all you.

This full size Comfort U body pillow comes from the best fabric and fiber available.

This quality invested in the pad delivers the best quality and comfort to its users.

The product gets tested thoroughly to ensure its quality before the sale. That way, they keep the quality of the pillow intact. The product is worth its every cent.

The pad gives you unrivalled support. It is just what you need to help you through your pregnancy changes and our Comfort U total body support pillow review reveals that this pillow is the best option for you.

Then what are you waiting for, Click the link below will lead you to our verified seller to make your purchase.

Sakshi Patel

Sakshi Patel

Senior Content Writer

Sakshi Patel is a busy Mom who enjoys spending most of her time with her cute daughter and a pet dog. She joins us as a senior content writer, and because of her creative writing style, has become our top-rated content writer